Analysis of business closure in the manufacturing sector of Ecuador, period 1901 - 2018

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Iván Orellana Osorio
Luis Pinos Luzuriaga
Luis Tonon Ordóñez
Marco Reyes Clavijo
Estefanía Cevallos Rodríguez


Manufacturing sector, Business dynamics, Closed companies, Probability of closing


The business dynamic of the manufacturing sector in Ecuador was addressed through the study of business demographics of 118 years. For the calculation of survival probabilities, a mortality table was made. 37.74 % of the companies remain active, while 89.07 % of the closed ones are micro and small companies. The probability that a newly created company closes its activities in a period less than or equal to 3 years is 4 %, and the life expectancy of a newly created company is 14.27 years.


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