Book review. Principles of negotiating international business: Success strategies for global negotiators

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Camilo Gómez Gómez


Comercio internacional, Acuerdos económicos, Empresas internacionales, Tratados comerciales, Industria del café


This article provides a review of the book “Principles Of Negotiating International Business: Success Strategies for Global Negotiatiors” written by Lothar Katz, and published in 2008 by BookSurge Publishing in Charleston. Globalization has forced companies to become worldwide players in an environment where boundaries for business merely exist. In this limitless world, business people are exposed in an everyday basis to situations where knowing how to negotiate can make the difference between success and failure. In order to succeed, individuals need to face this challenge with the proper knowledge and skills, and even though the negotiation process and its related techniques is a field widely documented, the complexity that the cultural component provides to this process, is sometimes not taken into account or not given the place it deserves.


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