Volunteering in Colombian Higher Education Institutions: The Case of the Universidad EAFIT

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Juliana Chacón-Piedrahíta
Mónica Ordoñez-Buitrago



In Colombia, there is few literature on the case of volunteering in higher education; however due to the importance of this subject and the literature found about this topic at the international level, the present research was carried out in order to explore the importance of volunteering in Colombia, the demographic characteristics of volunteers and their perceptions towards volunteering including for instance the benefits they receive. This research was focused on EAFIT University, located in Medellin, Colombia -which promotes those actions among its students as a social commitment and personal realization. The study included nine volunteering groups of this university. The results of the study were similar to the international trends related to this matter, although the development and the importance that the students involved attribute to volunteering is completely the opposite.


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Abstract 314 |