The efficiency of Colombian hospitals in the Latin American context. An application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) in a group of complex surgeries hospitals, 2009

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Jorge Navarro España
Francisco Maza Ávila
Rafael Viana Barceló


Health economics, high-risk medical services, efficiency, DEA Methodology.


The medical services of complex surgeries is a sector with high potential for generatingforeign exchange and it owns a good competitive performance due the access to hightechnology developments. The measurement of efficiency in this sector in the countryis an important aspect, if we want to be competitive. In a sample of 20 Latin Americanhospitals, was measured the efficiency of the group of 5 Colombian entities includedthere. The measurement was made by the DEA methodology. The results showed that4 of the Colombian institutions are on the efficient frontier and the remaining one mustmake adjustments in the use of physical space in those areas where this is possible. Thecombination of efficiency, competitive prices and quality service, augur a good future formedical services of complex surgeries in Colombia.


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