Comments to visión Colombia II centenario: 2019

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Andrés Ramírez H.
Mauricio Ramírez Gómez
Marleny Cardona Acevedo
Antonio Barbosa V.
Gloria Patricia Lopera M.
José David Posada B.
José A. Toro V.


Political Science, Law, Economics, Universidad EAFIT, higher education


With the purpose of contributing to the academic debate about how Colombia should be in the year 2019, EAFIT University, through its Political Sciences, Law and Economics programs, presents a theoretical and critical analysis of the book “Visión Colombia II Centenario: 2019”.

The documents presented elaborate four fundamental aspects developed in the book: A society of free and responsible citizens; an efficient state at the service of its citizens; an economy that guarantees a higher level of welfare and a more egalitarian and compromised society. Critical reflection is the common base for these documents that intend to make an invitation to the academia for an open debate that contributes to the elaboration of a broader and pluralist proposal towards the construction of a better Colombia by the year 2019.


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