Own brands from the perspective of the final consumer

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Belisario Cabrejos Doig


Consumption (Economics), marketing, Sales, Marketing analysis, Consumer preferences


This investigation’s focal point is to study final consumers - homemaker´s - behavior in relation to  the acquisition of private labels. Through this study we recognize a series of attitudes and consumer behavior patterns that become really enlightening for those who are at the moment engaged in producing these private labels, and also for those companies that are directly affected by it.

This study measures homemaker´s attitudes in relation to private labels and to a series of subjects connected to them. The segment of the population that purchases this brands is measured; the products and brands that are affected by this private labels are identified; the overall incidence of this products in the total spending of the basic bread basket and its participation in the grain markets, groceries markets, and personal hygiene and home products markets. It is known by word of mouth what private label products they wouldn’t buy, and the main reasons for not consuming certain private labels products.

Finally, homemakers evaluate the relative importance that the attributes of certain private labels have for them, and what they think a private label product should have in relation to this attributes so they feel  inclined to acquiring them.


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