Summary of the thesis developed in process engineering during the year 2003

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Jorge Enrique Devia Pineda
Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ingeniería, Departamento de Ingeniería de Procesos


Intellectual work. Universidad EAFIT, University publications, Academic publications


This document contains the summaries of the final reports of the research projects done by the last year students of the program of Process Engineering, during 2003. As a requirement to get the title of Process Engineer each student must present this work, that has as minimum conditions to contain some innovation and to be related to some of the areas of the program. During the development of the project the students count with the advise of a professional with enough knowledge in the study subject. The final report is evaluated, in addition to the adviser, by two expert professionals and then presented in public.
The original documents, in full text and electronic form, are available to the public in the Library “Luis Echavarria Villegas” of University EAFIT. The emitted concepts and all the works are exclusive responsibility of their authors who maintain the intellectual property of their work.


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