Research Groups of school administration Universidad EAFIT 2003

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Alejandra Toro Murillo


Intellectual work. Universidad EAFIT, Research methodology, Research projects, Research groups


This report presents the advances of the School of Management at EAFIT University in its process to build and consolidate its research capacity based on the research groups registered in the sixth call done by COLCIENCIAS to the Colombian Research Groups on Science and Technology.
The seven groups are registered in diverse areas of knowledge related to management, finances, marketing and economy.

The Department of Management and Organizations have four research groups in the areas of: Management in Colombia, History of Enterprises, Finances and Banking and Marketing. These groups account for our concern about the organizational reality and the social problems of our country approached from our own enterprises current situation.
The other three groups belong to the Department of Economics: Economy and Enterprises, Industrial and Regional Studies and Applied Microeconomics. Considering companies as a permanent unit of analysis, in this Department, the subjects of interest are diverse: economics events, politics, regulation and the enterprise strategies.


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