Toward a model of continuous training for teachers in higher education in the pedagogical use of information and communication technologies

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Claudia María Zea R.
Patricia Toro P.
Beatriz Nicholls E.
Natalia Foronda V.


In-service training of teachers, Vocational training for teachers, Higher education, Educational Technology


This document presents a proposal of an educational teacher training model for higher education that incorporates Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in their curricular programs. The model, within the framework (Conexiones: teacher training program directed to basic and media education), raises a sustained base line in the state-of-the-art of teacher training at university level within the actions and policies of the European, North Americans, Latin Americans countries and Colombia. In Colombia, the process has been considered from the perspective and processes developed by the G10 group, in which EAFIT University is one of the members. The proposal of the teacher training model includes a defi nition of a profi le for the university teacher in the ICTs context and it is centered in the competences and the set of actions and contents that should be expressed in the proposed training micro curriculum. The research carried out an experiment with teachers of EAFIT University of Medellín-Colombia, to validate the pertinence of the model.


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