Articles result of thesis undertaken by students of production engineering who graduated in the year 2003

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Juan Gregorio Arrieta Posada
Universidad EAFIT. Escuela de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción


Intellectual work. Universidad EAFIT, University publications, Scholarly publications


This document presents the articles of the final year undergraduate projects of the Production Engineering Department at EAFIT University during 2003. Each article contains information about the area of interest (Operations management, manufacturing, projects), the main adviser, and the articles with the description and the resoults of the graduation Projects- he originality and the pertinence of the articles convert them into a bibliographical valuable material for the engineering and especially for the production engineering comunity. Each one of articles represents a particular point of view in the application of new techniques and teories related with production engineering in our environment .


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