Property taxes and economic development. An approach to the relationship between property taxes and the investment of Antioquia's municipalities

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Santiago Tobón Zapata
Juan Carlos Muñoz-Mora


Property tax, Health, Education, Tax policy


This paper discusses the relationship between the levels of investment in health and education made by the municipalities and the collection of property taxes. A data panel methodology was used with a sample of 97 municipalities in the department of Antioquia (Colombia) for the period 2000 - 2008. According to the results, it is possible to conclude that there is no relationship between the levels of autonomous investment in education and the collection of property taxes. On the other hand, in relation to health investments, a negative relationship was found between property tax collection and autonomous investment in health. Finally, in addition to the initial scope proposed, a positive relationship was shown between the collection of property taxes and investments in the development of roads and infrastructure.


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