CAMEL vs discriminant, a risk analysis to the Venezuelan financial system

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Jesús Yoel Crespo


CAMEL, Discriminant Analysis, Risk Rating, the Venezuelan financial system.


This paper presents the credit ratings of the institutions belonging to the Venezuelanfinancial system at the end of the first half of 2010, obtained by applying two methods:the first known as CAMEL and the second through a statistical technique called analysisdiscriminant, the latter will qualify for financial institutions in risk categories, form aprofile that shows the most representative feature of the category and quantify theprobability of belonging to a rating.This research does not establish whether one model is better than the other, but showthat you can supplement purely descriptive analysis multivariate analysis, applied toan area of knowledge that has been little exploited in Venezuela, allowing to inform thepublic at large , the statistical techniques used in risk.


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