Selfdetermination of indigenous peoples from the Colombian constitutionalism

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Carolina Holguín Tafur


Self – Determination, Indigenous Peoples, Special Indigenous Jurisdiction, Cultural Identity


Colombia is a multiethnic and pluricultural State where converge various cultures and lifestyles different from those that are recognized as traditional in the  Western world; Colombian Constitution has tried to ensure the preservation of indigenous peoples who are considered minorities, not just about the people who form part of the groups, but more important,  each traditions that make them particularly different from the others, guaranteeing their rights especially in three specific areas: (i) inclusion in the scope of national politics, ensuring their participation in the Congress, (ii) recognition of a special indigenous jurisdiction, allowing the application of their law in specific cases, y (iii) about the indigenous territories, ensuring collective ownership of the reservations; thus Colombian State has tried to preserve cultural identity of the indigenous people, respecting their right of Self – Determination in  accordance with international law, not as a secessionist procedure but a inclusionist one in every aspect of national life.


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