Solving Problems Without Passports: Peace Through Commerce

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Ana Estrada Sierra


Global governance, human development, peace through commerce, millennium goals, United Nations Development Program


Governance is the regulation of interdependent relations in the absence of, or in spite of, an overarching political authority. At a global level, one of the purposes of governance is to solve problems and implement policies that affect a vast majority of people and States by regulating and solving problems at the global scale. Human development, or the lack there of, affects most of the world’s population in multiple ways. Several organizations are involved in trying to solve the different global issues such as global access to commerce and education, factors that deter people from achieving a better life if not achieved. Violence and conflict also hinder development. “Peace though Commerce” is an initiative that showcases the positive effects of global governance. This is a proposal with a multisector approach that helps implement policies that help solve one of the biggest issues that hinders development: the lack of jobs. The goal of commerce is not just to ensure sound progress; it is also a way to prevent countries from becoming less developed because of war or slipping into crisis because of poor commerce.


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