Class Schedule Assignment Based on Students Learning Rhythms Using A Genetic Algorithm

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Victor F. Suarez Chilma
Omar D. Castrillón Gomez
Álvaro Guerrero Aguirre


learning rhythms, genetic algorithm, class schedule, optimization, logistic.


The objective of this proposal is to implement a school day agenda focused on the learning rhythms of students of elementary and secondary schools using a genetic algorithm. The methodology of this proposal takes into account legal requirements and constraints on the assignment of teachers and classrooms in public educational institutions in Colombia. In addition, this proposal provides a set of constraints focused on cognitive rhythms and subjects are scheduled at the most convenient times according to the area of knowledge. The genetic algorithm evolves through a process of mutation and selection and builds a total solution based on the best solutions for each group. Sixteen groups in a school are tested and the results of class schedule assignments are presented. The quality of the solution obtained through the established approach is validated by comparing the results to the solutions obtained using another algorithm.

MSC: 49-00, 90B06


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