Optimization of Manipulability and Electricity Consumption Through the Heuristic Kalman Algorithm in Serial Manipulators

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Juan Camilo Ramirez Henao
Leonardo Duque Muñoz https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7115-3870


path planning, robotics, multi-criteria optimization, heuristic algorithm, manipulability, electric consumption


In the present work a path planning methodology for serial anthropomorphic manipulator with six degrees of freedom with spherical wrist focused on minimizing power consumption and maximizing the manipulability is proposed. To achieve this end, an optimization algorithm is developed which is based on the Heuristic Kalman Algorithm (HKA), and aims to find the optimal path according to the proposed multi-objective function within a proposed simplified spherical space. The optimization algorithm is evaluated by analyzing the behavior of two paths in the PUMA 560 robot, simulated in a program developed in Visual Basic belongs to Autodesk Inventor software.

MCS: 80M50



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