Discrete Event Simulation and Line of Balance Diagram, Applied to the Improvement of the Foundation Construction Process

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Adriana Gomez
Jorge Orlando Avila Díaz
Natalia Quintana Pulido


simulation of construction processes, workflows, line of balance diagram, BIM, lean construction.


The objective of this study is to propose a new method to enhance the time- and cost-planning process for the construction of building foundations via integration of discrete-event simulation, line-of-balance diagram, and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools. In order to calibrate a discrete-event simulation model, field measurements of workflow, resource consumption, activity duration, and restrictions were obtained from real construction projects. Based on Lean Construction methods and line-ofbalance diagrams, which allow reduction in time and cost, a number of planning alternatives were proposed. In addition, virtual animation of such alternatives was performed through BIM methodologies. It is concluded that planning tool integration is a robust technique for planning and decision-making in civil engineering projects.


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