Edge and corner identification for tracking the line of sight

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María S Orozco
Oscar Eduardo Ruiz Salguero
Uwe Jasnoch


image synthesis techniques, computer vision, edge detection, feature detection.


This article presents an edge-corner detector, implemented in the realm of the GEIST project (an Computer Aided Touristic Information System) to extract the information of straight edges and their intersections (image corners) from camera-captured (real world) and computer-generated images (from the database of Historical Monuments, using ob- server position and orientation data). Camera and computer-generated images are processed for reduction of detail, skeletonization and corner-edge detection. The corners surviving the detection and skeletonization process from both images are treated as landmarks and fed to a matching algorithm, which estimates the sampling errors which usually contaminate GPS and pose tracking data (fed to the computer-image generatator).

PACS: 07.05.Pj

MSC: 68Uxx, 68U05, 68U10


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