Transformación bainítica en aleaciones Fe-C

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Cristian Viáfara
Juan Manuel Vélez


bainite, austempering ductile iron, retained austenite, incomplete reaction phenomenon.


Some alloys Fe-C have an excellent combination of toughness and strength, related to bainitic reaction products, being useful in manufacturing of machine components subjected to high stresses. However, in our medium the knowledge of this transformation is reduced; it makes difficult a competition of industrial sector in the global economy. In this work it has been made a summary of basic issues of bainitic reaction, further to the review of classic books of phase transformations and considering last advances that it has been realized in its study. In addition, it’s compiled the issues more important of bainite as in steels as much as in ductile irons. It is discussed the reaction mechanisms, reaction kinetic, microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties. The goal is diffuse notions and techniques required to implantation of this phase transformation, promoting the bainitic products development.

PACS: 81.05.Bx 


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