Desarrollo de una plataforma de diseño e ingeniería naval

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Xoan A. Leiceaga Baltar
J. Prieto
M. Rodríguez
F. G. Zapatero
E. Soto
M. Teijeiro


ship, CAD, CAE, methodology, naval, construction.


Due to the increase of the complexity in the production operations, and to the low times of delivery that demands the present market of the naval sector, it is necessary to use of CAD/CAE programs that acquire the paper of integrators of the phases of design, planning and the processes of manufacture. In a new ship, a high amount of information is handled, and totally managed in two dimensions until the finish stage of the project, previous to the manufacture. Then, begins the development of the steel in three dimensions. Therefore, during the project evolution there is not a complete 3D representation of the ship, which forces in numerous occasions to make modifications when the ship is already constructed. This increases the manufacture’s cost and delays the delivery time. These modifications could be avoided with a 3D model that allows the synchronized visualization of all its components, as happen when they are constructed.

MSC: 68Nxx, 68U07


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