Compilación y análisis de los desastres naturales reportados en el departamento de Antioquia, exceptuando los municipios del Valle de Aburrá-Colombia, entre 1920-1999

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Camilo Polanco
Geovany Bedoya Sanmiguel


natural disasters, Antioquia state, causes, economics losses, software DesInventar, environmental geology.


This paper is a compilation and analysis of the available information about natural disasters reported in the department of Antioquia (Colombia), excepting the municipalities of the Aburr´a Valley, from 1894 to 1999, using a software named DesInventar. A total of 1.701 disasters were reported for 115 municipalities. 45% corresponded to landslides, 17% to floods, 15% to flashfloods, 7% to earthquakes and the last 16% to others disasters like hailstorms, storms, tidal waves, forest fire, soil liquefaction, hurricanes, drought, frost, urban fires, mud eruptions, rockfalls and stream erosion. 1.233 people died, 99.100 persons and 1.418 families were affected. Death toll due to landslides was 58%, followed by flashfloods with 25%, 17% by floods, others with 2% and earthquakes with 1%. 13.106 houses were affected and 835 destroyed. Earthquakes were responsible for 48% of houses damages, 31% were destroyed by floods and 12% by landslides. Houses destruction was 37%, 36% y 10% in that order and the last 5% due to flash floods. Natural disasters trend is increasing as well as their human and infrastructure effects; the two main causes are the hydrometeorological phenomenon like rainfall and human activities like poor land management, deforestation, overgrazing, urban expansion without planning. The economic losses were approximately of Col $25.000 millions (prices for year 2000). This cost is very low if it is compared with the total number of natural disasters (1.701) reported between 1920 and 1999.

PACS: 89.60.Ec, 89.60.Gg


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