Air Quality in Aburrá Valley: What Can We Expect from the Smart City

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Nora Cadavid-Giraldo
Ana Zuelima Orrego Guarín
Humberto Barrera Jiménez


Urban air quality, smart city, fourth industrial revolution


The global phenomenon of urban growth, together with the rapid penetration of mobile telephony, internet of things, sensors, automation, real-time data exchange, etc., converge on a topic that generates great expectations: the smart city. Among its multiple implications, this text highlights relevant facts for air quality management in the Aburrá Valley. The starting point is the Air Quality Management Plan for the Aburrá Valley, valid for 2017-2030. A correlation between the management opportunities that the smart city offers to air quality, and the strategic lines of the plan is presented. Important solutions are identified from the bottom-up approach, focused on the massive use of information and the appropriation of digital tools to promote self-management of emissions in all areas - fixed and mobile, public and private sources. 


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