
Solving the Kirsch Problem with Mesh-free Elements Using Radial Base Interpolation Functions

Fabio H Realpe, Yasser H Ochoa, Francisco Franco, Pedro J Díaz
Abstract 925 | PDF (Español) Downloads 652 | DOI

Page 11-38

Numerical Methods Coupled with Richardson Extrapolation for Computation of Transient Power Systems

Whady Felipe Florez, Jorge W Gonzalez, Alan F Hill, Gabriel J Lopez, Juan D Lopez
Abstract 1280 | PDF Downloads 693 | DOI

Page 65-89

Design of a Network of Reverse Logistics: Case Study Usochicamocha - Boyacá

Julián David Silva Rodríguez
Abstract 1282 | PDF (Español) Downloads 973 | DOI

Page 91-113

Integration of Renewable Energies and its Impact on Electricity Price

Santiago Hoyos, Carlos Jaime Franco, Isaac Dyner
Abstract 1327 | PDF (Español) Downloads 877 | DOI

Page 115-146

A Generalized Model and Control for Supermagnetic and Supercapacitor Energy Storage

Walter Julián Gil González, Alejandro Garcés, Andrés Escobar Mejía
Abstract 910 | PDF Downloads 547 | DOI

Page 147-171

Methodology for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Along Linear Projects

Juliana Mendoza Ramirez, Edier Vicente Aristizábal Giraldo
Abstract 1917 | PDF (Español) Downloads 832 | DOI

Page 173-206


Role of Mitochondrial Function in the Heart and its Impications in Cardiac Dysfunctions

Mariana Cañas Arboleda, Nicolás D Franco-Sierra
Abstract 1596 | PDF (Español) Downloads 740 | DOI

Page 233-268

From Obtaining to Degradation of PHB: Material Properties. Part I

Antonio José dos Santos, Luiz Veriano Oliveira Dalla Valentina, Andrey Alayo Hidalgo Schulz, Márcia Adriana Tomaz Duarte
Abstract 2666 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1585 | DOI

Page 269-298