SA 8000-Social Accontability: Universal standard that certifies in ethics and social responsibility. A critical look

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Mery Gallego Franco


Ethics, Social Responsibility, Human Rights, Quality of life


Today’s international business environment is highly competitive. Therefore, it demands today’s organizations to respond to glowingly demanding parameters such as quality, productivity, and low costs among others. This explains the arrival of international norms such as the ISO series, oriented to homologate criterions in these aspects as a condition not only to participate but also to compete in the business world.

The SA 8000 norm was approved in 1997, and today it is internationally accepted. The purpose of this norm is to make its certified companies guarantee that their products are manufactured under humanitarian working conditions. This certification has gained popularity and has become a condition to participate in international markets. This article will explore its roots, importance, context, implementation process and practical application in companies of our environment.


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