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Yoav Ben-Dov


Innovaciones tecnológicas, Inventores, Inventos, Desarrollo científico y tecnológico, Pensamiento creativo


It is a question to what extent one can speak of the spirit of time. (Zeitgeist) - some common character supposed to unite different and sometimes disparate domains of thought and creation, which happen to take place at one and the same historical period. On one hand, such a concept raises the temptation to group together things that actually have nothing fundamental in common, because it is always possible to find some superficial analogy or resemblance. On the other hand, it is reasonable to claim that no practice or research is conducted in .empty space., so to speak. The common historical environment- social, cultural, technological and so on -of different human activities gives rise to links and connections between different domains, and can reinforce similar or analogous developments.


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