Adolfo Bernal: poetical image and plastic speculations on language

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Melissa Aguilar Restrepo


Adolfo Bernal, Colombian contemporary art, art and poetry, poetry and image, ephemeral art


This paper provides an interpretive reading about one of the most prominent aspects of Adolfo Bernal’s artistic production (1954-2008), namely, the appropriation for artistic purposes of processes typical of literature, language, communication and design. Throughout this text the circumstances that gave birth to his graphic and conceptual experimentation with both images and words are highlighted, which are closely related to the transformation in the local artistic milieu during the seventies as well as to a suggestive poetic production, still being discovered. In order to carry out this analysis, three steps are proposed. First, an outline is given of both Bernal and his production that allows to situate his work within a horizon of comprehension. Second, a review is provided of key shifts and events that took place in the local art scene from the seventies onwards. Finally, an exploration is made of the links between his poetic and literary endeavors with the typographic posters he produced for a variety of urban intervention projects.


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