Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
- El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
Author Guidelines
Co-herencia journal (Humanities Department, EAFIT University) is geared towards the publication of unpublished articles belong to one of the subject areas of importance of the Journal, in particular, literature, philosophy, history and political philosophy.
Each one of the articles received is subjected to a two-step revision and selection process: internal by one of the members of the Editorial Board who will evaluate the originality and pertinence of the article. Subsequently an anonymous referee will consider the scientific worth, structure, basis, use of sources, and conceptual rigor of the potential article.
Within the four months following the submittal of the text, the author will be notified of the evaluation process results.
Formal requirements
- Besides assuring it is an un-published article, the author will abstain from presenting the article for review concurrently to various journals whether national or international.
- Texts must include: the punctuation, accentuation and grammar in accordance with the rules of grammar and good use of the language in which the article is written.
- Corrections in style and form may be suggested.
- All the terms and expressions not in the language in which the text is written, must be italicized.
- The proponents may be professors or graduate students of local institutions, national and international, as well as academics and independent researchers.
- Other than Spanish, texts will be received in English.
Estimated length is:
- Research and review articles: between 5,000 and 10,000 words
- Reviews: between 500 and 1,000 words
Regarding the structure
- A title. written in the language of the article, which clearly states the subject matter, and a footnote with an asterisk that indicate its origin (if it is research, include all available information: group, category, project, members, year of duration, entity that supports or finances).
- An abstract (100 to 150 words)
- Keywords (5 to 7 words)
- The title of the article in the other language, an abstract and keywords.
Citations and references
- For such effects the Journal adheres to the format established by the American Psychology Association (APA 7th edition).
- Citations and references must be included in the text according to the following format. (Author’s last name, year of publication, comma, and page number). Example: (Garcia, 1997, p. 45).
- A complete Bibliography must appear at the end of the article, all the cited or referenced texts must be listed alphabetically
by author without numbers or vignettes.
- Footnotes will only be used for explanations or additional comments. They should not include bibliographical references, except when expanding on those cited.
- When confronting another text, the following will appear in parenthesis: Cfr, the author’s last name and year of publication.
- If more that one work by a particular author was consulted, the works must be organized by date beginning with the earliest.
- If length citations exceed three lines, they must be placed in a separate paragraph and a centimeter to the right of the general margin.
Sánchez, G. (1991). Guerra y política en la sociedad colombiana. Áncora.
Book chapter
Ariza, C. (2008). La teoría constitucional de la federación, de Carl Schmitt. In J. Giraldo, and J. Molina (Eds.), Carl Schmitt. Derecho, políticas y grandes espacios (pp. 191-209). EAFIT University, Organization of Political Studies of the Murcia Region.
Serial publications
Uribe de Hincapié, M. & López Lopera, L. (2008). Discourse on forgiveness and punishment during the Colombian Civil War from 1859 to 1982. Co-herencia, 5(8), 83-114.
With DOI:
Cardona Zuluaga, P. (2016). Memoria, palabra y acción: la Historia patria, un saber para el sentimiento. Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras, 21(2), 19-45.
Internet publications
Bobbio, N. (1994). Razones de la filosofía política. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
Regarding the presentation
- Texts must be submitted through Open Journals Systems in electronic format, using the program Word.
- Photographs, images, maps and illustrations should be attached in digital format at a minimum 300 dpi. Their location should be described in the text, along with the pertinent information.
- Graphics, tables and other similar elements must be tab-delimited (do not use Word’s “Insert Table”).
- Images, photographs, illustrations, tables, graphics and alike must have a corresponding Image footer referencing the series number, name of the work (in italics), author, origin, technique, date of creation and other pertaining information.
- The text must adhere to this Author’s Guide. Only if presented following these guidelines, the text will enter to the evaluation process.
- The Humanities Department at EAFIT University, with the support of the “Luis Echavarría Villegas” Library, finances the editing, publication and distribution of
each issue. The authors instantaneously assent to the publication of their essays, relinquish the author’s proprietary rights and assert that the work is un-published.
- The Director or Editor must be expressly informed of any situation divergent with the preceding.
Privacy Statement
Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.