From the “old” Cepalism to the criticism of Globalization Change and continuity in the debate over development strategiesin Latin America

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Klaus Bodemer


Development Theories, development policy, cepalism, neoliberalism, Washington consensus, new cepalism, globalization


The idea of development was branded more by practical elements than by conceptual intentions, and has been therefore “development policy”. This article starts from that position and offers a brief on the debate, from the cepaline thought of the 50’s over theories of dependence and the neoliberal paradigm (decades of the 80’s and 90’s) to the recent controversy over a “new paradigmism”, and supplementarily, it focuses on the so called “Washington Consensus”. The Latin American debate may not be understood without discussions regarding the developed nations in the disciplines involved. Whether a conception is imposed does not depend exclusively on its quality but on its potential to convoke support from the elites and from broad sectors of society.


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