“¡Tierra!”, a look at the discovery of America by writer Pedro Gómez Valderrama

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Alejandra Toro Murillo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9117-6084


" ¡Tierra! ", Discovery of America, Historical tale, Gómez Valderrama, Pedro 1923-1992, Colombian authors, Columbus, Christopher 1451-1506.


The current article presents an analysis of the story “¡Tierra!” by Pedro Gómez Valderrama from two perspectives: the historical tale and the eroticism. Throughout the text, the historical aspects recreated by the author are examined as well as the historical sources used to create the story. Additionally, an attempt is  made to identify the stance from which the facts are literally interpreted, a stance in which eroticism is fundamental. Finally, the article concludes by pointing out the discovery of America as the finding of a utopia.


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