Law and Narration: The triple mimetic character of the juridicity

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Juan Pablo Posada Garcés


Mimesis, conceptual network, symbolic resources, temporality, plot, configuration, mediation, application, catharsis.


Following the theory of the triple mimesis, presented by Paul Ricoeur in Time and narration, it is possible to detect the intimate nexus that the law and the human activity of narrating maintain. Mimesis I, as conceptual network and anchorage of the narrative plot, is given in the Law by the law itself as a way to prescribe legally desirable actions. Mimesis II is the narration of some actions with legal relevance, narration which is carried out in the interior of the judicial process. Finally, Mimesis III consists of the application of the legal hypothesis to the actions that summarize it and this by means of the sentence device as regulatory comprehension and as a mean to apply a sanction.


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