Between History and Fiction: The Rhetoric of Memory in Daniel Riquelme’s Prose (1893-1911)

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Eduardo Aguayo Rodríguez


Daniel Riquelme, journalistic prose, memory, XIX century, historical novel


The article explores the tensions and relationships between fictional and historical discourses in the work of the Chilean writer Daniel Riquelme, specifically the uses and types of memory as critical dialectic between forgetting and remembering in his prose. Given the limited knowledge we have about the work of this author, the article proposes two complementary readings: one -extensive- will allow us to point out the key milestones of the authorial trajectory of Riquelme, from his work as a war correspondent to his latest collaborations as a popularizer of Chilean history, based on texts recovered through our documentary research; the other -intensive- allows us to understand the rhetorical features that characterize his historical-literary prose, interpreting this corpus in light of the overall process of his work and of the social and cultural changes that define the transition between the 19th and the 20th centuries in Chile.


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