The Poetics of BodilyMovement and Vulnerability

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Xavier Escribano


poetic body, vulnerable body, expression, phenomenology of illness


The physical body and the lived body are not two separate realities, but rather they represent two distinct aspects of the same corporeal experience phenomenologically described. This fundamental experience of embodiment could take at least two paths: a) the first is an upward direction, which involves the development of the possibilities of movement, action and expression of the body in all its plenitude; b) the other direction, in contrast with the former, takes a downward path, and is concerned with the experience of pain, of limitation, of the bodily resistance which is experienced as oposition to one’s own will: it is the vulnerable body. Here a new dualism reappears: the poetic body of expression and art versus the vulnerable body of illness and pain. My contribution aims at questioning the idea that the poetic body of artistic expression and the vulnerable body of ageing, of disability or of illness belong to two quite separate spheres. With this purpose in mind, I shall highlight the multiple points of intersection between both perspectives, and argue that such intersections may serve as interesting starting points of departure for interdisciplinary research work.


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