The Cosmopolitan and Universal Scopes of Habermas´ Proposal about the Role of Religion in the Public Sphere

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Javier Aguirre


Post-secularism, Global Public Sphere, Religion, Deliberative Democracy, Habermas


Habermas has presented a normative account of the role of religion in the public sphere of a deliberative democracy. In my paper I want to show that Habermas´ account is not limited to the “national borders of a deliberative democracy” since it entails global challenges to the (emerging) world society. My paper will have the following structure: First, I will present Habermas´ remarks on the current post-national constellation and its untamed global capitalism. Second, I will make explicit the cosmopolitan scope of Habermas´ perspective. Finally, on the basis of the two prior sections, I will present some questionings related to the alleged universal nature of Habermas´ proposal, especially pertaining to the debates that take place within the institutional spaces of democracies.


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