Philosophical considerations on the articulation of science and dialectic concepts in the Phänomenologie des Geistes by Hegel

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William Aldacir Primera Nader


Dialectics, Aristotle, Hegel, experience, science, logics


This paper proposes a positive connection between the Hegelian dialectics and the Aristotelian method since the way of using the dialectic method after Aristotle was overlooked throughout the entire scholastic period to be then restored by Kant. Thereby, our interest is to study the Aristotelian influence in the Hegelian conception about the relationship between science and dialectics to prove that Hegel acknowledges philosophical and speculative values in the Aristotelian dialectics. Aristotle’s logic, especially the dialectics logic, can be considered thinking science. A specific contribution to the history of the concept of ‘dialectics’ is intended through this work by understanding the idea of experience as structural key in the relationship between the dialectic method and science.


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