The resurrection of the author in current French literary criticism (2008-2011). The case of Pierre Bayard’s re-attribution criticism

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Nicolás Garayalde


Pierre Bayard, Author, Bayard, hermeneutics, relativism, reference framework.


This paper aims to analyse the concept of author which can be derived from the essays of the French literary critic Pierre Bayard, in the context of the various resurrections of the author that have occurred since Roland Barthes’s authorial death sentence in 1968. To this end, two problems will be considered which have been present in the reflection of literary theory on the author issue, midway between what Bayard named hermeneutics and relativism: the transcendentalization of the literary experience and the interpretative anarchy. In turn, these two problems will lead to query the place occupied by the author within the reference framework of the text and how it conditions the reading experience.


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