The obsession with memory regarding the synchronicity of mnemonic media

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Rafael Pérez Baquero


memory culture, postmemory, technique, mass media, synchrony, consumer society, philosophy of history


This paper aims to offer an interpretation of the conditions and implications of the memory culture that has characterized, since the eighties, the relations that Western societies maintain with their past. Drawing on the philosophy of history, but using conceptual tools from other fields, we interpret the limits of this emphasis on the past based on the peculiarities of the material media that have enabled it. This thesis rejects the understanding of this memory boom either as an attempt to establish a premodern relationship with the past or as a mere reaction to the crisis of the future, evidenced in the late the 20th century. Rather, we construe it as a movement to counter the application of an obsolescence pace, which is characteristic of the current western model of information consumption, to our past.


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