Marx, Engels and the material (re)production of human living: for the restoring of a historical basis

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Paulo Fernando Rocha Antunes


Reciprocal action, economic base, determination, historicity, needs


The material (re)production of human living describes, in the last instance, as far as our understanding is concerned, what in the materialistic conception of history of Marx and Engels can be understood by economic basis. In order to illustrate what has been affirmed, one considers the following formulations which consider the amplitude of economic relations: “production of material life itself”, “production of life”, “mode of production of material life” and “production and reproduction of immediate life”. Production always implies reproduction; it implies the conditions that guarantee its continuity. This is understood as the basic condition –we shall see that it is not in a narrow sense – of society. It is this perspective, not systematized by the two German authors, but widely present in most of his writings, which is intended to be retrieved for debate, with a view to restoring a historical basis


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