A New Historical apriori? Analysis of Proposals of Humanities Renovation Focused on the Notion of Information
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information, historical a priori, Simondon, Kittler, Foucault, humanities, post-humanities
In this research work, two projects of programmatical renovation of humanities, which are focused on the notion of information, are analyzed. We will consider, on the one side, the proposal of Friedrich Kittler about a theoretical materialism of the information, and on the other side, Gilbert Simondon’s human sciences’ axiomatic. The question that guides our critical assessment is the following: "in what ways, in each of these projects, the notion of information acts as center for a renovation proposal of humanities?" Our hypothesis holds that there is a common denominator in both proposals, which can be formulated in Foucauldian terms as follows: the information is understood there as the current historical a priori.
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