La crítica de la crítica y la movilidad de sus funciones

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Efrén Alexander Giraldo Quintero


Criticism, Criticism function, Dialogic criticism, Didactic function, Theorizing function, Research


At a time when criticism approaches a series of problems related with legitimacy, statue and methodologies, the need of a criticism of criticism should be considered. Now, we observe how criticism’s functions go beyond the simple jobs of description, valuation and pedagogy. The theorizing that should be inherent in criticism finds assent in the special skill of our day critic must posses in order to start a dialogue, not only with artists, their work and the public, but also with other critics who have preceded in their attempt to catch the aesthetic fact. The essay discusses the above topics, supporting itself on two research works developed at the Universidad de Antioquia´s School of Arts: 1980 – 2000. Dos décadas de exposiciones en Medellín and Marta Traba. Entre la teoría y la didáctica.


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