A Response Based on Ethical Harmonization to the Problem of Reconciliation

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Oswaldo Juan Plata-Pineda https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1249-383X


Reconciliation, harmonization, ethics, tension, practical wisdom


Reconciliation is defined as a process of reestablishing relationships that a conflict has disrupted. This disruption has been associated with academic conventions with regard to war or dictatorship and analyzed from the perspective of generating the conditions to sustainably build peace. In this study, I offer a response to the problem of reconciliation that provides a plausible solution to conflicts that take place in contexts of institutional transition (within the framework of a peace-building process) and in interpersonal contexts based on the notion of ethical harmonization. This response based on ethical harmonization posits that it is possible to reestablish relationships after conflict if conflicting sets of beliefs are harmonized by means of a judgment in the circumstances (practical wisdom) aimed at realizing ethical objectives with and for another in just institutions.


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