The “Immanent Suffering” in the Unraveling of Temporality

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Orlando Ortega Chacón


Dasein, immanence, pain, phenomenology, suffering, temporality


Biomedical sciences have developed methodological frameworks to establish pain as an object of study and overcome its high burden of subjectivity. However, these approaches generate a naturalistic bias that prevents the consideration of “pain” as a phenomenon of suffering. In this sense, the objective of the article is to identify a type of suffering that escapes the consideration of pain, from the biomedical approach, because it emerges in the unraveling of temporality. The thesis of the article maintains that, after the alteration of the temporal intentional tissues of consciousness, one endures an “immanent suffering”. In order to address these aspects, the article is divided into three sections: (i) Immanent Suffering. (ii) From Symptom to Cause. Passive Alterations of Consciousness and their Repercussions on the Body. (iii) A Deep Experience of Sadness.


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