Bodies as Wounded, Intervened and Resistant Frontiers: Illness and the Good Life

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Alicia Natali Chamorro Muñoz


Body, biopolitics, practical philosophy, disease, health, posthumanism, good life


This article aims to propose a reflection on the good life from the philosophy of illness. It assumes that to understand the challenges that the disease poses at a social and political level, it is worth conceiving the body as a border. This idea of the border presented by Anzaldúa allows us to understand three essential relationships: the complex comprehension of the identity of the sick subject that in sum makes complex all personal identity form; the relationship between technology and the body in the condition of a good life from the posthumanism  perspective, and finally the comprehension of a biopolitics that, by assuming the radicalism of the relationship between illness and health, redirects to new social practices of the good life.


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