Wisdom as Third-Order Know-How: A Pragmatic and Naturalistic Approach

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Jonathan Echeverri Alvarez https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1129-6356


Ethos wide reflective, naturalism, pragmatism, wisdom, knowhow, ethics, moral judgement


On wisdom there has been an extensive bibliographical production from philosophy and anthropology. Recently, there has been an interest in revealing the characteristic psychological phenomena of an agent who makes decisions with wisdom. This article is part of this interest, from a naturalistic and pragmatic perspective. I defends the following thesis: wisdom, as a moral metaheuristic that is expressed in action as a broad reflective ethos, is a particular way of knowing how or tacit knowledge, specifically, it is a third-order know-how that allows the recognition of our tribal nature, which is expressed in moral behavior, and a panoramic vision of the moral ecologies at stake to make at least one collective decision in a satisfactory way. In short, wisdom as a third-order know-how is a possible resource of choice between the possible conflict of diverse moral ecologies.


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