The Impact of the Lyrical Fourth Dimension in Ambrose Bierce’s Satirical Poetry: An Analysis of the Phonological Expressive Device in Two of his Poems

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Ariadna García Carreño


Ambrose Bierce, lyrics, poetic multidimensionality, phonological dimension, satiric poetry, Shapes of Clay, speech


The purpose of this paper is to show that the phonological component in Ambrose Bierce’s poetry provides an expressive device through which the satirist more effectively conveys the social criticism underlying his compositions. The use of this component, along with a satirical and ironic tone, combine in the poetic object to signal more clearly to the reader Bierce’s denunciation of various members of fin de siècle American society. More specifically, this analysis focuses on “Arma Virumque” and “King of Bores”, poems from his collection Shapes of Clay, in which the poet lampoons the American military institution and the figure of the “bore”, respectively. This study follows the ideas of Abrams (2012) on the “fourth dimension” of the poem, or in other words, the meanings that the phonological features of a lyrical composition suggest from its recitation. The results of this study suggest that this device allows readers to experience in their own bodies, through the vocal tract, the harsh social critique that Bierce presents in his poems.


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