Chronicles about the city construction

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Juan Luis Piñón


Urban, urbanism, city, architecture, policy, globalization


The city, since the consolidation of the Modern State, has become consolidating like result from the delicate balance between publics and privates sectors. Balance that has been broken by the new socioeconomic reality, cause of which political status quo has yielded all his power to the private sector. Task that will be carry out trough the unfolding: either of the desregulators measures in urbanism subjects, or as well through the use and abuse of the denominated urban marketing, practice that will help to dissolve the urbanism practice, will reduce it to its architectural dimension and that will focus its interest into the architecture called show: the city rationality vanish between gestures and logos.


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Hamilton, Clive (2006) El fetiche del crecimiento. Pamplona: Laetoli.

Davis, Mike (2000) City of Quartz. Los Angeles, capitale du futur. Paris: LaDécouverte.

Mancuso, Franco (1980) Las experiencias del zoning. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.

Piñón, Juan Luis (2004) “Las infraestructuras, la arquitectura y la construcciónde la ciudad”. En: Registros 4. Facultad de arquitectura Urbanismo y Diseño, Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina.

Fuente de las imágenes

Ortoplano de la ciudad de Lima en el que se puede observar la proximidad delos asentamientos humanos del cerro de San Cristóbal al Palacio Presidencial ya la Plaza de Amas

Google Herat

Torre del Bicentenario. Arquitecto Rem Koolhaas.

Torre del Bicentenario. Entorno.

Detalles en los que se trata de mostrar la naturaleza del patio de luces.

Chichén Itzá

Pirámide del Sol. Teotihuacan.

Ortoplano del Teotihuacan.

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