The contribution of the entrepreneurial orientation to SMEs profitability: a contingent analysis that considers the environment role

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Izaias Martins
Felipe Uribe
Diana Mesa


Entrepreneurial Orientation, Environmental Hostility, Financial Performance, SMEs.


This paper aims first to show the effect of the Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) on SMEs financial performance, and second, to propose a contingency model which explores the moderating effects of environmental hostility of the relationship EO –financial performance. To examine the research hypotheses, a sample of 121 manufacturing SMEs located in Catalonia, Spain has been used. The results confirm a positive EO– financial performance relation, and suggest that a more positive relation exists when there is an adjustment between  the  EO  and  the  environment.            Finally, the  academic  and  entrepreneurial implications related to the EO and the SMEs environment are presented and discussed.


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