State and economy. William Beveridge and Walter Eucken's criticisms and proposals. (A historical comparative perspective)

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Claudio Llanos Reyes


Walter Eucken, William Beveridge, Political Economy, Germany, Great Britain.


The central problem that this paper addresses is the development of political economic thought, both in Germany and in Great Britain, related to the construction of societies in which the State had a role in ensuring levels of stability and economic security to its inhabitants, particularly during the late 1940s. This article proposes a comparative historical perspective of political economic thought of the British economist William Beveridge and his German counterpart Walter Eucken. The comparison is based on their critiques to the economic system and proposals on the role that the State should play in the economy. The study of the ideas of both thinkers, their criticisms and proposals on economic and political issues, allows us to understand the set of ideas that influenced the development of the Welfare State of the post war period, both in Britain and Germany.


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