About the Journal

Bienvenido al sitio web del EAFIT Journal of International Law, una publicación semestral que está dirigida a estudiantes, profesores, investigadores o analistas que se interesen por temas jurídicos, internacionales o afines. Contenido publicado hasta 2017.

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Current Issue

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016)



Rafael Tamayo-Franco
Abstract 510 | PDF (Español) Downloads 188

Page 4-5

Decentralization and Governance in Latin America

Ana Victoria Vásquez-Cárdenas, Mario Alberto Montoya-Brand
Abstract 1305 | PDF (Español) Downloads 2838

Page 20-32

Globalization and Economic Development, Colombia as a Study Case

Ana Cristina Gómez Arango
Abstract 6377 | PDF (Español) Downloads 81301

Page 33-67

International Franchise Agreement: An Analysis on Colombian Regulation and General Trade Practices

Estefanía Arias Molina
Abstract 1398 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8277

Page 68-95

Thoughts on transitional justice processes

Diego García-Sayán, Marcela Giraldo Muñoz
Abstract 1498 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1873

Page 96-143

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The EAFIT Journal of International Law –EJIL- was first published in the first half of 2010. Since then, it has continued to be published twice a year. Its diffusion is done electronically via an OJS (Open Journal System). The publication is produced by the Coordination Area of International Law at the School of Law of the EAFIT University (Medellin, Colombia). The journal is currently indexed as C category (Publindex National Bibliographic Index).

This publication is concerned by the dissemination of articles written by professors, practitioners and students, related to the international system, either from purely legal standpoints or from other approaches -economic and policy-