Inverse-FEM Characterization of a Brain Tissue Phantom to Simulate Compression and Indentation

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Elizabeth Mesa-Múnera
Juan F Ramírez–Salazar
Pierre Boulanger
John W Branch


Inverse FEM, Compression Test, Indentation, Tissue Calibration, Surgical Simulators.


The realistic simulation of tool-tissue interactions is necessary for the development of surgical simulators and one of the key element for it realism is accurate bio-mechanical tissue models. In this paper, we determined the mechanical properties of soft tissue by minimizing the difference between experimental measurements and the analytical or simulated solution of the deformation. Then, we selected the best model parameters that fit the experimental data to simulate a bonded compression and a needle indentation with a flat-tip. We show that the inverse FEM allows accurate material property estimation. We also validated our results using multiple tool-tissue interactions over the same specimen.

MSC: 74S05


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