Methodologies to Improve the Mechanical Properties of Struc- tural Concrete with Recycled Aggregates

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Viviana Letelier Gonzalez
Rodrigo Osses
Gonzalo Valdés
Giacomo Moriconi


recycled aggregates, recycled aggregate concrete, mechani- cal properties


This paper presents the analysis of results about two methodologies proposed to reduce the differences of mechanical properties presented in recycled concrete made with high percentages of recycled aggregate in respect to a control concrete. Two methodologies were applied to structural concrete with a 40% of recycled aggregates and the results were compared with a control concrete. The first method consisted in increase the amount of cement added in the manufacture of recycled concrete from 2.5% to 10%. The second method consisted of applying an abrasion to the recycled aggregates to decrease the amount of mortar adhered. This method has allowed evaluating the behavior of concrete manufactured with recycled aggregates with different degrees of abrasion. The results show that long-term mechanical properties of the concrete manufactured with both methodologies are similar to control concrete.

PACS: 81.05.Zx


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